Origin Trips

“Every republic, at its core, is founded on freedom, respect and equality”

Ever stopped to think about where your coffee comes from?

For us, Coffee Origin Trips are not only about going far and wide to ensure we bring you the best quality coffee from the best quality beans. To us, the trips are more than that.

They are about standing up for the people. Standing up for the people who make every cup of coffee possible. It is about meeting them, getting to know them, supporting them and building long-lasting relationships with them.

Read on to find out more about our coffee origin trips to Colombia, Costa Rica and Rwanda. 

Brazil Trip 2024

Laura and Hugh travelled over 31 hours to the Minas Gerais region in Brazil for a 7-day coffee origin trip. ​ They explored 7 farms ranging from large commercial estates to small family land. Cupped a lot of coffee from this year’s harvest at COCARIVE and SMC headquarters. Finally, they visited Fazenda Palmital, where we source the specialty Brazilian beans that go into our Mestizo blend. ​

Laura and Hugh with Brazil Coffee Farmer - Marico from Rancho São Benedito
Read Part One
Female farmer smelling coffee beans on Brazil origin trip
Read Part Two
Talking to Augusto at Fazenda Palatial during our Coffee Origin Trip
Read Part Three

Colombia Trip 2022

Roy Sanderson and Milena Bardyn embarked on a ten day coffee origin trip to Colombia in May 2022. While there, they got the opportunity to visit coffee farms and meet some of the amazing Colombians who are behind the coffee beans that we source. Despite the continents that separate us, cultural and linguistic differences, we have one thing in common with the people of Colombia – a love for coffee.  

Roy with a coffee farmer on an Origin Trip in Colombia
Read Roy's Blog Here
Milena on a coffee farm during an Origin Trip in Colombia
Milena shares her experience here
1KG bag of single origin coffee from Colombia called Colombia Excelso - stocked by Java Republic.

Introducing Colombia Excelso – a single origin coffee that begins with green apples, anise, chocolate, walnut and shortbread biscuits.

Check it out here.

Costa Rica 2020

Costa Rica is the land of 100% arabica coffee and its coffee is known for its rich aroma, acidity, fruity notes. On this adventure to Costa Rica in 2020, Luis Alvarez met some like-minded incredible people who are passionate and driven towards their work and produce as we are. 

Mestizo 1kg coffee bag

Introducing Mestizo

Mestizo means a mix of origins & this is exactly what is contained in this well-balanced blend. An explosion of flavour gives way to a round and smooth taste with notes of raspberry and caramel.

50% Costa Rica | 25% Peru | 25% Brazil


Rwanda 2018

On return from Rwanda, David wanted to tell the story of the people and the communities they met and share it with as many people as possible. Below is a four part piece that talks, not just about the trip, but about the history of Rwanda, where it is today, the coffee communities and more. A worthwhile read, each piece gives the reader an insight into a world of coffee that you might not have known existed.


Introducing RUCO

A blend of Rwandan and Colombian beans with notes of red grapefruit and a sticky toffee texture. It finishes with hints of milk chocolate and blackcurrant.

50% Rwanda | 50% Colombia