For Employees

Dealing with grievances informally

If you have a grievance or complaint about your work or someone you work with you should start by speaking with your manager wherever possible. You may be able to agree on a solution informally between you.

Formal grievance

If the matter is serious or you wish to raise it formally you should put the grievance in writing to your manager. You should keep to the facts and avoid language that is insulting or abusive.

If your grievance is against your manager and you feel unable to approach them, you should raise it with Karen Talbot, Talbot Pierce HR.

Grievance hearing

Your manager will call you to a meeting, usually within 5 working days, to discuss your grievance. You have the right to be accompanied by a colleague or trade union representative.

After the meeting your manager will give you a decision in writing, usually within 24 hours.

If the manager needs more information before making a decision, they will inform you of this and the timescale.


If you are unhappy with the decision on your grievance, you can raise an appeal. You should tell your manager.

You will be invited to an appeal meeting, normally within 5 working days, with a more senior manager. You have the right to be accompanied by a colleague or trade union representative.

After the meeting, the manager will give you a decision, usually within 24 hours. The manager’s decision is final.

Sensitive Issues

If you cannot raise this grievance through the above mechanism due to the sensitive nature or seriousness of the grievance, please refer to our Whistleblowing Policy (please see the appendix).

For External Stakeholders

Dealing with grievances informally

If you have a grievance or complaint about a member of our team or regarding a company practice or partnership, you should start by speaking with your account manager or a member of our customer care team wherever possible. You may be able to agree on a solution informally between you.

Formal grievance

If the matter is serious or you wish to raise it formally you should put the grievance in writing to Jeffrey Long Managing Director. You should keep to the facts and avoid language that is insulting or abusive. The grievance process is as follows:

Step 1: Lodging your grievance

Please send your grievance including any supporting documentation to [email protected]

Step 2: Reception

We will acknowledge receipt of your grievance

Step 3: Assessment

– Initial assessment of the legitimacy of the grievance. If necessary, additional context or documentation will be requested;

– Identification of parties to the complaint;

– Mediated discussions between the parties;

– Notification to you of the assessment outcome (i.e. acceptance/rejection of complaint including reasons for rejection)

Step 4: Investigation (if needed)

If an outcome cannot be reached we will seek an independent investigation through a third party

Step 5: Remediation

– Implementation of corrective actions and preventative measures

– Monitoring and reporting


Sensitive Issues

If these avenues are not open due to the sensitivity of the matter or you would like to report a corrupt activity, then please refer to our Whistleblowing Policy (please see appendix).


Whistleblowing Policy

Java Republic is committed to fostering a culture of transparency, accountability, and ethical behavior. Employees, contractors, and stakeholders are encouraged to report any suspected misconduct, illegal activities, or violations of company policies without fear of retaliation. Whistleblowers are protected under this policy and applicable laws, ensuring confidentiality and safeguarding against adverse actions such as dismissal, demotion, harassment, or discrimination. Reports can be made anonymously if preferred, and the company will take all reasonable steps to protect the whistleblower’s identity unless disclosure is required by law.

The company has a duty to investigate all whistleblowing reports promptly, thoroughly, and impartially. Appropriate corrective actions will be taken to address validated concerns. Retaliation against whistleblowers is strictly prohibited, and anyone found engaging in such behavior will face disciplinary action. Java Republic encourages employees to raise concerns internally but also acknowledges their right to report to external regulatory bodies if necessary.

Anonymous Reporting and Whistleblowing Procedure

Anonymous reports can be made directly to the business via the post. Please send your anonymous report to: Jeffrey Long, Java Republic, 510 Mitchelstown Road, Northwest Business Park, Ballycoolin, Dublin 15, D15 PY8H, Ireland.

Please note, you will not receive a response from this route, but we will update the occurrence of a report and the action taken as a result internally and externally in our annual impact report.

To blow the whistle or report wrong doing to an independent party, please contact The Speak Up Helpline team by freephone (1800 844 866), our Secure Report Form, email, post or Signal app.