The Kingsley Hotel

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The Challenge

To provide a coffee and tea experience that will seamlessly compliment this luxury four-star hotel. Located in the heart of Cork City. The Kingsley Hotel is a busy location with high standards in quality across all guest touchpoints, including the hot beverage experience they provide to their guests. 


“Since partnering with Java Republic we have seen a huge improvement in our overall hot beverage offering. In particular, the quality of the product and the efficiency of their service and support teams has been crucial in helping us to deliver a consistently premium experience to our guests.  


Another key reason that we chose Java Republic was their ongoing sustainability agenda. As proud members of Green Hospitality Ireland, we at The Kingsley are committed to reducing our impact on the environment, therefore we actively seek out suppliers who also share this vision. For this, Java Republic were an obvious choice. Already a carbon neutral roastery since 2011, they are continually seeking out ways to be more sustainable and have made major steps forward in their sustainability agenda in the last number of years. 


Having partnered with Java Republic in 2023, we have already hugely benefited from their dedicated approach and commitment to quality. We look forward to continuing to work with them into the future”.

Fergal Harte, General Manager, The Kingsley Hotel

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Get in touch with the coffee people

To see how Java Republic can help your business, let’s meet for a coffee and a chat. Send us your details and one of our coffee people will get back to you.